Calling All Future Six Figure Home Service Businesses! 

"New Book Shows You The Secrets To Launching And Scaling A Home Service Business That Makes $500-1,000+ per day"...

Especially how to get more leads and customers 

Spencer Claeys

From The Desk Of Spencer Claeys

Seattle, Wa.

Dear friend,

If you're someone who has a six figure home service business or is looking to start one ASAP, then this might be the most important letter you read today.

I'll show you why in a minute.

But First, A Disclaimer:

This book is not some sort of “magic bullet” that will bring you jobs, leads, and business for you without having to do any work.

My results are not typical and I have the advantage of years of trial and error behind me.

What I’m about to share with you takes both time and effort and has been working great for me and my private clients.

All business entails risk as well as massive, consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

So with that out of the way, let me show you just a couple of the people using this method

How Devin Made $4,000 in a week doing gutter cleaning

How Joshua hit $1500 in a day doing Christmas lights

How Tim landed $6,000 of gutter cleans in a week

How Blake hit a $4,470 week of roof cleans 

How Brock did 4 solar panel cleans in Australia 

How Jake made $1200 in 4 hours In Florida

And many many more...

These gentlemen used what I will soon teach you inside this book to quickly launch, scale, and get as many customers as you can damn well handle.

Turns out, starting a business isn't truly that hard.

You simply find something that people don't wanna do.

Provide it to them as a service.

Easy right?

Well, I don't know about you but for me it didn't start that way...

When I first started I bought a little pressure washer, piled it into my 2003 Toyota Corolla and got to work.

I made ALOT of mistakes.

I wasted days going door to door not getting enough clients.

I tried running ads that lost money.

I handed out hundreds of fliers

I even spammed local Facebook groups

I needed more leads!

But it wasn't until I had tried all of these things that one day I saw a little book (kinda like this one) about advertising.

I picked it up and went down the rabbit hole.

I started learning tons of stuff about marketing, sales, and advertising (stuff that I was never taught in college despite majoring in marketing)

And I was able to apply all of this to my little roof and gutter business.

Overnight, (yes I hate when people say that but in my case I literally flipped on the winning campaign in one night) I was able to have leads pouring into my business at the flip of a switch.

I went further.

Optimizing my website with the help of mentors and consultants.

Hiring coaches. 

And ultimately I  went from broke and making $10 an hour at a tire shop, to a home service business that regularly makes $20,000 or even $30,000+ a month.

But more importantly I began teaching what I learned.

And people started seeing the same results!

One of the first guys that I helped

As such I went on a rampage.

Posting Youtube videos, Tik Tok, Instagram you name it.

I showed this method to thousands of business owners and the results were insane.

But I still kept getting dozens of questions.

What ads work best?

How do you get so many leads?

How do you get Insurance?

What do you do during the winter?
And many many more.

So I decided to put together a short little book that answers all of these and MANY more.


The Home Service Handbook: A quick start guide to launch and scale a home service business that makes $500-1,000+ a day.

It's everything that I've learned over the last 4 years of running a home service business, making hundreds of thousands of dollars, and having a business that gives me freedom.

Plus at just 133 pages it's a quick read.

I wrote it specifically to get young guys making MORE money with their home service business as FAST as possible.

Because I don't know about you but I'm pretty "coursed" out.

I do not have the attention span to watch 100 more Youtube videos

Or hours and hours of random courses.

This little e-book cuts straight to the point with zero fluff.

And it adresses the NUMBER ONE problem most businesses like yours face...

Getting Customers!

See, if you're reading this you probably already have some experience doing the work or some sort of service.

You might even already have a solid home service business operation.

Right now you could be the best business around with the nicest equipment, trucks, and be the most experienced guy within 100 miles.

But if you can't effectively get customers,

As such I've structured this book with 3 main strategies for getting more clients fast and as cheap as possible.

✅  Google SEO

✅  Facebook Ads

✅  Good ol Hustle (door to door, flyers etc)

Even just one of these single chapters may hold the key to making you and your business thousands of extra dollars.

Some of this stuff I have never shared publicly.

Inside you are going to get stuff so advanced that I have guys making $80,000 a month using it.

And stuff so simple guys who are brand new are using it to make their first $300 in a day.

There is something for everyone.

And did I mention the book is only $19.99?

I've priced it as low as possible so that someone who genuinely wants to grow their home service business has zero reason not to.

This Book is About MORE Than Just 

Getting A Ton Of Jobs

The methods you get inside are equally effective at structuring WHO we work with.

We want only the best clients, AND the ability to charge as much as we're worth.

Imagine having the ability to say "no" to any customer because you can. 

When you already have a ton of jobs lined up, you can pick and choose exactly WHO you work with and WHAT you do (no more cheap customers)

This leaves you working with customers that want your business and are willing to pay whatever you want. Often these customers are just simply awesome. They're a dream to work with.

The tactics in this book will show you how you can "turn on" the faucet of these dream customers whenever you want and make how much you want. Your salary is literally just asking yourself "how much do I want to make this month"

These same strategies also work in just about every Home service Niche including:

Pressure Washing

Roof and Gutter cleaning

Window washing

Mobile detailing

Lawn care

Solar panel cleaning

Christmas lights

Junk removal

Dog poop removal?!

and more! 

Pretty much any business that serves people at their homes.

After all a lead is a lead.

My brother in law was even able to book an extra $16,000 for his concrete business using the strategies I teach in this book!

This stuff works.

Wondering what's inside? Glad you asked. Here’s a fraction of what you’re getting…

  • ​​The huge mistakes nearly every exterior cleaning business owner makes running their ads online (page 42) 
  • ​How to run Facebook Ads like a pro (page 64)
  • ​ (page 85)
  • ​Exactly how to price your services (page 88)
  • Setup your business to dominate with Google SEO (page 55)
  • ​My story of broke 23 year old to making $30,000+ a month (page 5)
  • How you can put your ads on STEROIDS with copywriting designed for service businesses like yours (page 67)
  • My top 7 favorite Home Service businesses (page 28)
  • (page 65)
  • ​How competition actually HELPS you (page 35)
  • ​​How I operate 52 weeks out of the year (page 113)
  • ​What to do if you're brand new and nobody has ever heard of you (Page 40)
  • Case study of how Noah made $15,000 in his first month of cleaning roofs and gutters (page 118)
  • ​A Marine Corp fighting secret that will make you more $ (page 41)
  • How to beat the pants off someone even if they have double your IQ (page 130)
  • ​But what about Angies list and Thumbtack!? (page 114)
  • ​The most effective headlines I've used (yes you can swipe them) (Page 65)
  • ​And much, MUCH more...

You’re right...that is a ton of proven, immediately useful strategies and tactics. 

And it’s stuff nobody else is going to tell you about, because nobody else is doing it.

The best part is that this approach…

This Doesn’t  Require Yelp, Angie's List, Thumbtack, Bandit Signs, Endless Door to Door, Or Spending a ton of $ On Ads

When I started a couple of years ago, I spent the first while studying the “pros” and how to have the best website or fancy wrapped truck.

But their approach seemed out of date, took WAY too long, and never felt right.

Some even suggested I use lead services like Angie's List and Thumbtack. 

Annnnd if you've ever used those websites you'll probably share my annoyance in the absolute waste of time they are 🤬.

So I set out to find a better way, and over the last 4 years I’ve fine-tuned the system I’m giving you in the book.

When you start using it, here’s what will happen.

First, you'll set up your online social media profiles so that when customers see your business for the first time they will actually feel trust and rapport with you as the most professional and best business to help them...whether they hire you yet or not.

This is crucial for you because it lays the foundation for you as the most obvious choice in your local market...EVEN if you're BRAND NEW...they will remember you!

The next thing that’ll happen is this:

You'll Have The Facebook Algorithm On Your Side To Bring You The Best Clients Virtually On Autopilot

When you first start running ads, it rarely works the first time.

The reason why is it takes Facebook a little while to "learn" exactly who your customers are and who to show the ads to.

When done right, you can plug into the massively powerful Facebook Algorithm and let them do all of the heavy lifting FOR you.

And you'll do it without ever feeling like running ads is a waste of money. 

In fact, you'll be making so much money back you'll forget you're even spending any on ads.

That's because of the approach in this system itself.

Once set up, Facebook will literally be doing all the work for you. You just have to put up a few bucks a day (usually $20-30) and it will do the rest.

When done right, it's not uncommon to see $20 a day in ad spend equal $300, $500, or $700 jobs rolling in everyday like clockwork.

And you’re getting all of this, included in your new book.

Here's What To Do Next

The "cost" of this book is $19.99, and you’ll get it instantly as a download.

No waiting around for the mail to ship you a hard copy.

You can start putting this stuff into practice right now.

Why just $19.99? Well, to be frank the economy kind of sucks right now.

And I want everyone to be able to afford this book, make money, and sail off into the sunset (just kidding)

But on a serious note, I totally get it.

I want everyone to be able to make the money they want and hopefully this book will help show you how.

If this book only even helps you book 1 extra job, would it be worth it?

Oh, and in case you're wondering...


I realize this is very inexpensive in relation to the potential value it will right about now, you might be wondering what the "catch" is.

You might have experienced other websites that offered you something inexpensively and then stuck you into some program with a recurring monthly fee.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden program you get automatically signed up for or anything else at all you have to buy.

I've decided to give you this entire book, for $19.99, so you can see for yourself how I help home service and exterior cleaning businesses explode their job calendars.

I'm giving you this entire book at cost, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you’ll love it, get amazing results, and we’ll do more business together in the future.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Very Limited

Here's why.

This book is part of a test I’m running for my own business.

And because the price is so low, I’m taking a loss on the book.

I’ve forecasted it’ll cost me about $29 in advertising costs to sell one book.

Now, why would I do that?

Simple. I’ve packed as much value as possible into this little book and I feel confident you’ll love it and will want to do more business with me down the road.

Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.
I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy the book so much, that you’ll ask to try other trainings and services I offer. Pretty straight forward really.

Also I'm not going to insult your intelligence with some sort of fake scarcity like "there's only 100 copies left!?"

This is a digital ebook.

To be honest, if you've read this far and are not comfortable investing a measly 20 bucks on yourself and your business, this book probably won't help you.

But for real though I will probably raise the price (again) soon.

Oh and in case you're wondering.

Of course, there's a full money-back guarantee.

In fact, it’s perhaps...

The BOLDEST Guarantee in 

“The History of Guarantees”

I 100% Guarantee you'll love this book or I'll return every penny of your $19.99.

That's correct. If you’re unhappy for any reason, you don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I will refund your money.

How's that for fair?

I've made this as no brainer of an offer as I possibly can.

The rest is on you.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and hope to hear from you soon!

-Spencer Claeys

P.S. Just in case you’re like me and skipped to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering my brand new book that outlines how to get as many clients and jobs as you can possibly handle.

The book is just $19.99 (for now, it might go up again soon)

This is a very limited offer because it's a marketing test.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not get signed up for anything else or get any annoying phone calls or texts from a salesperson.

In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll refund every penny of your $19.99 immediately. You don't even need to send anything back.

There is ZERO risk to you grabbing this book and I hope to see you inside!

DISCLAIMER: The figures and tactics stated above are the results of my own campaigns and the campaigns I’ve built for my private clients. My results are not typical and I’m not suggesting you’ll duplicate them. I have the benefit of several years of experience in advanced sales and marketing. Most people who buy any “how-to” information get little to no results, especially if they aren’t willing to follow the suggested strategies and work hard. All successful businesses incur risks and require persistence and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

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